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There is a place for eyeryone

Now it’s time to bring the consciousness of Oneness to a larger group of people as well as include a new element of spiritual activism in our work together. From this emerged the feeling of supporting a multi-cultural virtual community which could bring our sense of lifestyle and spiritual understanding to a new group of interested people.

  • We’re looking into the possibility of crowd funding or on-line donations in the U.S. and in Germany.
  • We’re exploring the possibility of non-profit status in the U.S., Europe and Asia.
  • We’re inviting everyone to become an active member and/or a volunteer.

Now we’re reaching out to see who might be interested in joining the support for this exciting new possibility to gather our resources and become an active part in helping our planet and our fellow inhabitants. We would like to share with all of you the great hope of coming together and co-create the planet we would all like to live on.

Any help is useful, whether it’s text writing, translating, gathering info or giving money etc. Especially in the beginning we need seed money to give the new organization a basis.

Please feel free to support us with everything you might be able to contribute by

  • become an Earth Steward and/or
  • become an active member and/or
  • donate some suitable amount
  • support with different voluntary services.

What does my financial and/or voluntary contribution accomplish?

We need to increase our staff, improve our online presentation, develop and offer training programs and online activities, and assist the increasing number of stewards, projects and communities.

Your financial contribution helps us to

  • build a worldwide community of supporting change and taking care of humanity’s heritage.
  • identify and invite Personal and Organizational Earth Stewards to become active members of the community.
  • support these stewards to start their first projects or to run their current projects more successfully.

And we have great plans for the next years, including to start and establish

  • WE Connected – an international and interactive WE platform connecting Spirit of WE
  • WE Conferring – an international WE conference representing the community of WE
  • WE Training – a training and coaching program supporting the conscious WE

Why become a member?

Supporting Spirit of WE with your heartfulness and largess is an important step. An even more important step is to join the Spirit of WE community as a member, making a commitment to develop a global community of the conscious WE. Everyone can be helpful.

As a member of Spirit of WE you help everyone possible to find some meaningful work to support their lives and potentially connect with their spiritual mandate – the reason they’re here on the planet.

There are numerous people and projects that are making a difference in our world. As a member of Spirit of WE you support people with these activities.

What are the benefits of Membership?

  • A newsletter with frequent updates on the growth and impact of the community.
  • Access to great projects, communities and initiatives.
  • Early invitations to
  • WE Connected – an international and interactive WE platform connecting Spirit of WE
  • WE Conferring – an international WE conference representing the community of WE
  • WE Training – a training and coaching program supporting the conscious WE
  • An extraordinary global network of people supporting change and taking care of humanity’s heritage.
  • Special reports on initiatives for
  • WE Future and WE Work
  • Spirituality of WE
  • WE Education and WE Ecology
  • WE Vision and WE Connection
  • WE Expression and WE inspiration.


Become a Personal Earth Steward (PES) or an Organizational Earth Steward (OES). Organizations become an Organizational Earth Steward, and individuals become a Personal Earth Steward.

For more information see Practice.

Please choose your stewardship status on our stewardship form.


  • Individual: 100 €/$ p.a
  • Organization: 300 €/$ p.a.

Please choose your membership status on our membership form.


  • €/$ 25
  • €/$ 50
  • €/$ 75
  • €/$ 100
  • €/$ 200
  • €/$ 300
  • €/$ 500
  • €/$ 1.000
  • €/$ ....... (other amount)

Please choose a suitable amount for you on our donation form.


You are always welcome to send us an email if you want to support our community, whether with projects, ideas, stories, whether with voluntary services such as writing or translating.

Please choose:







Thank you for joining the Spirit of WE community!

become a member

> membership application form (PES/OES)

donate some money

> donation form (single/monthly donation)

become a steward

> steward application form (PES/OES)




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