
How can we be helpful to help shape our world?

Become a Personal Earth Steward (PES) or an Organizational Earth Steward (OES). Organizations become an Organizational Earth Steward, and individuals become a Personal Earth Steward.

The Spirit of WE community supports you as a Steward to start your first project or to run your current project more successfully. And vice versa you are invited to support projects presented on our platform.

Your caring and support is the basis of WE.

What we need now is to be centered and fully aware of today’s questions, and initiate and support every activity that is whole and helpful, from recycling and ecology education to preserving biodiversity.

We also need to help all of us understand the relationships between today’s issues and larger spiritual and societal understandings. For some this task seems impossible.

Many of us are possibilists who believe the best way to create and support the emergence of a new society is our willingness to envision a positive change and live that change in everything we do.



Here are some concrete things we can do to become more conscious and help the planet:

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When in doubt, drop down to the belly where essence “resides.” Attune yourself from this center to essence and enjoy the “rhythms” of Truth.

1. Be essential: start simple for grand change

The most important thing to practice is to become essential in everything you are and do. Recognize who you are in the larger scope of things. To allow such a vision means we have to start small by examining who we are individually. We have to know ourselves by accepting our fundamental quality of Being, no matter what we call this essential nature.

To effect this successfully, explore more deeply who you are innately and identify what the spirit that comes through you needs in this lifetime. Next, discover the spiritual reason you’re on the planet by inquiring into your special qualities, for example, to be helpful to others. Find out what has to dissolve in your life so that a new essentialness becomes apparent.

Finally, clearly distinguish the differences between and among psychological, spiritual and planetary issues while understanding their connectedness. To facilitate discrimination between ego issues and spiritual essence, become sensitive to what’s resonant with which level of involvement. When in doubt, drop down to the belly where essence “resides.” Attune yourself from this center to essence — like a spiritual antenna — and enjoy the “rhythms” of Truth.

To do this we need more training in contrary dynamics or contramics, the skill of allowing two or more contrary aspects of any theme to coexist in our minds and bodies.

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2. Live with Contramics

Next, you’ll need to develop awareness without attachment so you can observe the issues in the world without becoming overwhelmed by them. To do this we need more training in contrary dynamics or contramics, the skill of allowing two or more contrary aspects of any theme to coexist in our minds and bodies. This maintenance of opposing tensions creates a field of consciousness that reveals both the difficulty and the solution. As this consciousness arises, the problem mingles with the healing effect until it dissolves.

Without this consciousness, we either force ourselves to be on one side of an issue or to remain in constant struggle internally. Our sense of Oneness must be expanded to allow single or multiple dichotomies to exist without trying to solve their apparent differences artificially. In other words, more than one thing can be true at the same time.

We are full of polarities and so is the world we have created collectively. We’ll have to accept this situation and use it as spiritual learning. We must be committed to life, but not attached to it. The key to personal and collective change is being able to maintain awareness of our dire situation without losing its wake-up call or disturbing our humor or joy in life. These latter qualities make the challenging work of being present and of service possible.

we can start with ourselves, right now, by learning to be more generous.

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3. Examine our Greed

All of us will have to examine our greed, in all its implications. When we transcend the cravings of the world we also distach ourselves from the dependency that produces and supports them. Serenity can only exist when all desire and greed cease — when the mind no longer divides and isolates. In fact, Oneness is an antidote to greed, separation and violence.

Unfortunately, transforming the mindset of the world from selfish, greedy and conflict-oriented to one of peace will require the transformative realization of millions of us. But we can start with ourselves, right now, by learning to be more generous. We can practice this by doing things like including more people in our circle of acquaintances and talking about important spiritual questions and encouraging one another to be more heartful and informed in the world. In every way, being generous neutralizes selfishness by extinguishing the fire of greed, as Buddha taught.

As members of a community, we must work harder to rehabilitate instead of punish offenders whenever possible.

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4. Rehabilitate Instead of Punish

On a personal level, let go of your fantasies of self-righteousness and vengeance and look for ways to reconcile and forgive. As members of a community, we must work harder to rehabilitate instead of punish offenders whenever possible. Justice systems around the world need to be reformed so that only the most hardened criminals are permanently locked up.

Many, many inmates around the planet are serving time for minor offenses. With our support they could rejoin society and add to the collective good. While in prison they would be offered a greater opportunity to train new skills and learn about new life possibilities.

In short, the World Betterment Group would be a beacon for WE consciousness among the nations.

5. Create a World Betterment Group

Be part of a World Betterment Group, which takes proactive stances to support positive change for all humanity. We need a new organization to stand for peace, the betterment of humankind and freedom that looks out for everyone. It would also stand for tolerance of differences and appreciation of diversity through celebration, the dissemination of information and exchange among the variety of beliefs and cultural expressions on our planet. Its continuous question would be: “How can we be helpful in all situations?”

The United Nations was formed with this intention; however, it has never been fully funded or empowered to be effective at stopping wars or genocides or intervening in the face of other injustices. A World Betterment Group would strive to be less bureaucratic and more spontaneous. Its analysis of world events would have more grounding in psycho-history, which examines the psychological background and tendencies of world leaders. In short, the World Betterment Group would be a beacon for WE consciousness among the nations. Countries would be invited to join only when they demonstrate a continuous engagement in the improvement of humankind with clear democratic and social structures in force, and a willingness to tackle the difficult issues such as statelessness, immigration and slavery, among others.

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we need to educate ourselves as to who is trafficked, what industries exploit slave laborers and which nations turn their Backs on it.

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6. End Slavery

There are many things you can do right now to make this a reality. First, we need to educate ourselves as to who is trafficked, what industries exploit slave laborers and which nations turn their backs on it.

Second, we can find local and national organizations that are already working to end human trafficking and we can support them financially and as volunteer workers. Third, we can educate children and adults to really face the harmful effects the pornography and sex trade industry have on women, men and children.

We can educate our communities as to the source of those products to force changes in the working conditions. We also can reach out to those who are leaving the sex trade and help them to find jobs, education, a safe place to live, and in general support them in their transition to a life of freedom.

Sex traffic only occurs because there are customers. We must speak out on this topic and challenge the prevalent idea that it’s acceptable to pay money to have relations with a sexual slave. We must teach boys and girls not to objectify men’s or women’s bodies, and we must teach women to value themselves for their whole beings, and not their sexual appeal to men and women. We must speak out about pedophilia and the sexual abuse of all children. In nations where parents send their children into the sex trade as the only option against starvation we must find resources to give them better options.

Whenever feasible encourage those people of means to consider sharing what they have with others.

7. Redistribute Wealth

You can write a letter right now to your lawmakers and demand an end to tax breaks for the rich. Whenever feasible encourage those people of means to consider sharing what they have with others. Consider the Scandinavian model of social capitalism that shares wealth and responsibility and see if anything in that system could be applied to your life or country. You can also support with your wallet by not buying products or services from the most egregiously greedy banks and corporations.

Switch to a credit union; buy local and organic products and support local businesses. We can also insist that our religious institutions become more generous and do more to help the poor. Support companies that are generous and practice largesse within your financial means and with people who need your help. You can write a letter right now to your lawmakers and demand an end to tax breaks for the rich.

The Slow philosophy is about doing everything at the right speed and with as much integrity as possible rather than as quickly as possible. It’s about quality over quantity.

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8. Be Part of the Slow World

Slow down! We live in the fast-paced world of turbo-capitalism, but there is a wonderful alternative. The Slow philosophy is about doing everything at the right speed and with as much integrity as possible rather than as quickly as possible. It’s about quality over quantity.

It began in Italy, in 1986, when political activist and food columnist Carlo Petrini launched the Slow Food Movement in reaction to the growing popularity of fast food .Among its principles are the preservation of local, traditional and self-sustaining food practices and the encouragement of using seeds, plants and livestock from the local ecosystem. The original idea expanded to other movements, including Slow Art, Slow Education and Slow Fashion, to name a few. Currently there are some 100,000 members in 150 countries working in 1,300 convivia or chapters. There are more than 200 towns in 30 countries that belong to the Cittislow movement, in which well-maintained green spaces, organic farming and plentiful community activities are all part of the 71 requirements of membership.

You can be the change the world is waiting for. You already have everything you need to be a world healer.

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9. Support the Possible

You can be the change the world is waiting for. You already have everything you need to be a world healer. Join your energy with the field of possibilists who support new ventures and come up with bold, interesting ideas that make meaningful social change reality. Challenge what is often sold as impossible: namely, peace in the world and fairness for everyone.

Start or continue a personal example of peace and fairness and see how far the possible extends in your world. We’ve shown in the previous pages many situations that were apparently impossible and turned out to be possible. Your life is a continuation of this legacy if you are engaged and heartful in what you do. If you like a good challenge you’ve come to the right planet. Now that you’re here see how all you’ve learned has been a preparation for what comes now in your life. Observe and accept what is as a basis to move beyond artificial boundaries created in your personal and our collective minds. What seems impossible to us alone is made possible by the collective energy of a WE community of conscious people.

Enjoy discovering the pearls of life hidden within the sometimes hardened shells of abused and forgotten people. Focus on potential and not on limitations.

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10. Use Hidden Resources

Do whatever you can to explore the potential in yourself and the many people who have been marginalized by society. Within many prisons, immigrant shelters and homeless shelters there are talents that the world needs to heal itself and support the development of its people.

Enjoy discovering the pearls of life hidden within the sometimes hardened shells of abused and forgotten people. Focus on potential and not on limitations. Look for the small and subtle signals in yourself and others for unexpressed talent. Maybe it’s the scribbling of a child or the way someone moves that indicates a latent talent of writing or dancing. Be an explorer of the soul and discover new territory that might help us all!

11. Be a Pioneer

You are needed and necessary to transform the world. Your energy and unique creativity are irreplaceable. Don’t be afraid to be the first, last or in-between person who tackles a new project or sees the next step for our collective growth.

Be unattached to what others might think of you, especially when you have a gut feeling something is right to do and right to do at this time. The spirit moves in you in unique ways and you need to be willing to follow its lead wherever it takes you. We each need to be willing to step up to the challenge to be part of change. Please do it from that conscious state that is grounded, centered, heartful and spontaneous.

The whole world resonates to peace. Tune in and turn on to the harmony that’s lying just below the surface of the conventional world. Maybe you’re one of the ones with a full heart who sees the value and deep meaning in living your love. Maybe you are brave enough to share this feeling with anyone who wants to listen. That’s a pioneer.

The worldview of the challenges and potential of conscious living are becoming more widespread, more accepted. The expansion of that consciousness lives in and through you. Its nature is a single quality: to be life-changing and planet-wide healing.

Be the ONE you are and will always be. Your time and OUR chance has come to show what is possible!

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You are needed and necessary to transform the world. Your energy and unique creativity are irreplaceable.




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